Sunday, February 28, 2010

March 1 - Uncle Ralph

Whenever Uncle Ralph got a few too many drinks in him, he'd gather all us kids around and tell us the story about the time when he was in grade school waiting for the bus and saw a three dog sex chain: One dog giving it to another dog who was giving it to another dog.
"Most of my adult life, I've felt like that middle dog," he'd tell us. "Sure, some dog is giving it to me, but I'm giving it right back to some other dog."
Amen, Uncle Ralph. Amen.


  1. (This is Sarah, by the way. I couldn't manage to sign in to post the comment) This reminds me of a joke that may or may not translate over the internet. For best effect, please switch your inner monologue to "Southern Accent."

    Two men were walking down the street when they saw a dog licking himself...well, where dogs tend to lick themselves.

    The first man says, "I sure I wish I could do that."
    The other man says, "Boy, he would bite you!"

    That is all.

  2. This reminds me of the two dogs that you had to pull apart at Krista's graduation.
